PAC Cares – Office of Student Conduct


Safety Exit

The Alamo Colleges District is committed to providing a supportive learning environment and to fostering, safe, healthy relationships among our students.

In this effort, the Alamo Colleges District has initiated AlamoCARES, a prevention, education and support program regarding dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. 

It is our sincere hope that AlamoCARES will empower you to make well-informed decisions about life issues that affect your college years and beyond.

Within the AlamoCARES site,  you will find information on rights granted by Title IX and resources to help educate and assist you when dealing with harassment and sexual violence. Events, training, and opportunities for bringing awareness to difficult issues and creating discussion opportunities with students are available on a regular basis.

Resources for Students and Employees

Title IX Resource Guide for Students and Employees
Title IX – Sexual Harassment/Misconduct
Title VII, Discrimination, General Harassment, or Retaliation
Student Title IX Training

The Student Title IX training is undergoing an update and is currently unavailable.

WARNING: This course contains content and subject matter concerning sexual assault that may be sensitive and upsetting. Resources are available on and off campus to provide assistance. Confidential support is available through your college counseling center and 24 hours through:

Rape Crisis Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Domestic & Dating Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)


If you need assistance or support with the Title IX student training, please contact your representative below:

Northwest Vista College:
Northeast Lakeview College:
San Antonio College:
Palo Alto College:
St. Philip's College:

Alamo Colleges District Counseling Services

In an emergency, call 911 immediately. 


Northeast Lakeview College



STCM 222H Student Commons 


Northwest Vista College



Huisache Hall (HH) 101


Palo Alto College



Rio Grande Building, Room 131


St. Philip’s College



MLK Campus Sutton Learning Center 102,

SWC Campus Building 1, A-135, LIFEspace


San Antonio College



Chance Academic Center (CAC) RM 323

AlamoCARES Resources
Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Disability Discrimination

What To Do 

In an emergency, call 911 immediately. 

When deciding what you might want to do after experiencing sexual assault, harassment, intimate partner violence, or stalking, it can be helpful to talk through your options with a trained advocate. An advocate is available to talk with you 24-hours a day through:


 Rape Crisis Center


 Family Violence Prevention Services



Resources for:

  • Overview of your options immediately following an incident
  • How to obtain assistance
  • Reporting options
  • Support resources

Advocacy Services

Domestic Violence Assistance

Hotline Numbers


Housing-Emergency Shelter

San Antonio Police (SAPD)

Bexar County Sheriff

Health and Medical Assistance


Quick Resource Guide

Violence Resource

Disability and Elderly Resources


Texas Crime Victims’ Compensation Program




Disability and Elderly Resources

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services

Blind & Visually Impaired Assistance Texas Ramps/

VIA Para-Transit

Needy Meds - Medication Assistance

Medical Assistance

Rape Crisis Immediate Resources

Methodist Hospital Emergency Care


San Antonio Metro Health Directory

University Health Patient Assistance

Planned Parenthood - Texas

Rape and Abuse Assistance

Rape Crisis Center San Antonio

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)


Violence Resources

Family Violence Prevention Services

The Hotline

Rape Crisis Center San Antonio/

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network


Additional Resources

ADA Homepage, Dept. of Justice

Alamo Colleges PD

Culture of Respect


Know Your IX

Know Your Rights

US Dept of Education Office for Civil Rights




Title IX and Alamo Colleges Policies

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex (gender) of employees and students of educational institutions receiving federal financial assistance. Title IX's prohibition of discrimination includes acts of sexual harassment and relationship violence.

The Alamo Colleges District does not tolerate sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence of any kind. To ensure compliance with Title IX, the Alamo Colleges District has designated a District Title IX Coordinator and a Deputy Title IX Coordinator at each college.

Board Policy and Procedures- Section H: Civil Rights/Title IX

H.1.1 Civil Rights: Equal Education and Employment Opportunities (Policy) (PDF)

          H.1.1 Attachment-A Title IX/VII/ADA/504 Coordinator Organization (PDF)

H.1.2 Civil Rights Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (Policy) (PDF)

         H.1.2 (Attachment A.) Title IX/VII/IV/ADA/504 Coordinator Contact List (PDF) 

         H.1.2.1 Civil Rights Complaints and Resolution Procedure (Procedure) (PDF)

         H.1.2.1 Civil Rights Complaint Procedure Process A (Diagram) (PDF)

          H.1.2.1 Civil Rights Complaint Procedure Process B (Diagram) (PDF)

          H.1.2.2 Civil Rights Complaint Appeal Procedure (Procedure) (PDF)

          H.1.2.2 Civil Rights Appeal Process A (Diagram) (PDF)

          H.1.2.2 Civil Rights Appeal Process B (Diagram) (PDF)

          H.1.2.3 Bully-Free Workplace and Campuses (Procedure) (PDF)

H.2.1 Civil Rights Under Texas Law: Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, and Stalking Complaints, Resolution, and Appeals (Policy) (PDF)

          H.2.1.1 Civil Rights Under Texas Law: Sexual Harassment, Sexual

          Assault, Dating Violence, and Stalking Complaints, Resolution, and

          Appeals (Procedure) (PDF)

Filing a Report

Any student or employee who believes he or she has been a victim of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence is encouraged to contact the District Title IX Coordinator or the college Vice President for Student Success.

Complaint Form

The Alamo Colleges do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation or disability with respect to access, employment programs, or services.

Inquiries or complaints concerning these matters should be brought to the attention of:

Linda Boyer-Owens 
Title IX/VII/ADA/504 Coordinator 
2222 N. Alamo St.
San Antonio, Texas 78215 

Complaint Form

Title IX VII ADA 504 Complaint Form



The Alamo Colleges District encourages individuals to bring forward information/complaints about sexual harassment and sexual violence. Retaliation against any individual who reports or participates in the investigation of alleged violations is strictly forbidden and will be enforced by the College administration.

Filing an External Complaint

The United States Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights enforces Title IX. Any student, employee, or visitors to campus may direct a complaint directly to that office.

Office of Civil Rights

US Department of Health and Human Services
1301 Young St. Ste 1169
Dallas, TX 75202
Voice phone (800) 368-1019

*All reports made to the Office of Civil Rights must be filed within 180 days of the alleged incident

SB 212 Annual CEO Summary Report and THECB Certification

The summary data report is posted pursuant to TEC, Section 51.253(c).  This is a combined report for the entire Alamo Colleges District, including Northeast Lakeview College, Northwest Vista College, Palo Alto College, San Antonio College, and St. Philip’s College. 


2019-2020 Texas Education Code CEO Report

2021 Texas Education Code Annual CEO Report

2022 Texas Education Code Annual CEO Report

2023 Texas Education Code Annual CEO Report

2024 Texas Education Code Annual CEO Report

Training Materials for Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Decision Makers and Leads

Federal Training Requirements:

Title IX training requirements are from 34 CFR 106.45 (b)(1)(iii).  All materials used to deliver required training to Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process. A recipient must make these training materials publicly available on its website.

Required Training for Title IX Coordinators (ACD, College, Student and Employee Coordinators)

Required Training for Decision Makers

Required Training for Title IX Investigators

Required Training for Title IX Leads

General Title IX Training - Optional

Affirmation of the Alamo Colleges District Commitment to Title IX, the Campus SaVE Act, VAWA and other Civil Rights Protections

The Alamo Colleges District is committed to maintaining an environment that is free of sex-based discrimination, sex-based misconduct, and other forms of discrimination, harassment or retaliation prohibited by law.

Affirmation of the Alamo Colleges District Commitment to Title IX, the Campus SaVE Act, VAWA, and other Civil Rights Protections


Report concerns using one of the forms below.

Student Code of Conduct

Title IX


The Office of Student Conduct seeks to protect and foster the Palo Alto College learning environment, by upholding the college value of Respect for All.

If your situation is an emergency and you fear for your safety or the safety of others, please call the Alamo Colleges Police Department 210-485-0911.

PAC Cares FAQs

What happens after a report is filed?
The Student Conduct Officer will review the report to determine if it falls under Student Conduct, SOBI or Title IX. All three processes begin the same way with interviews of complainant, alleged and witnesses. 

Can I take back a report after it is submitted?
Once a report is in the system we are obligated to review it and investigate if necessary. If the report is found to be false or unfounded then it will be archived and the reporter will be notified.

Can I appeal a Student Conduct decision?
Yes. You have five business days after receipt of your outcome letter to submit the nature of your appeal, in writing, to Vice President of Student Success, Delilah Marquez by emailing . The letter must state if you appeal the findings, sanctions, or both, and the grounds for the appeal. After the appeal request is received, an appeal hearing or meeting will be scheduled.

I’m afraid to report an issue, what if the person I’m reporting finds out?
Retaliation against any individual who reports or participates in the investigation of alleged violations is strictly prohibited. This will be enforced by college administration. If you feel you are being retaliated against because of your participation please let the Student Conduct Officer know immediately.

If you feel unsafe or need a police escort call Alamo College Police Department 210-485-0099 (non-emergency) or 210-485-0911 (on-campus emergency).

Student Code of Conduct

The Alamo Colleges District developed a Student Code of Conduct that governs the student disciplinary process. The Student Code of Conduct describes prohibited behaviors, potential sanctions for violations of the Code of Conduct, and the process for adjudicating alleged violations. All students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the Student Code of Conduct. The Student Code of Conduct can be found online:

F.4.2 (Policy) Student Code of Conduct - Non-Academic Misconduct, Academic Integrity

F.4.2.1 (Procedure) Non-Academic Misconduct Disciplinary and Appeal Process

F.4.2.2 (Procedure) Academic Integrity Disciplinary and Appeal Process



7 Student Conduct Facts



Student Conduct 101

Academic Misconduct



When do I file an Incident Reporting Form?

Anytime you are concerned a Student Code of Conduct violation has taken place, Academic or Non-Academic Misconduct. If you see something, tell someone.

It is the Office of Student Conduct’s job to review and assess all reports that come in.

If it is an emergency and you fear for your safety or the safety of others please call Alamo Colleges Police Department 210-485-0911. 

Can I follow up on a report that was submitted?
A confirmation of receipt will be sent after a report is received stating that it will be investigated and addressed.

If a conduct violation is found from a report, after the student against whom the report was filed is notified, the complainant will be notified in writing that his/her complaint or allegations of non-academic misconduct have been investigated, and of the disciplinary sanctions imposed on the student who was found responsible. 

What happens if it is alleged that I violated the Student Code of Conduct?
You will be sent an email to your Alamo Colleges email address stating the conduct that was reported, violations alleged and your appointment time.

If you fail to respond or do not show up for your scheduled appointment the conduct process will continue without your input and you could be found in additional violation of Obstruction of Disciplinary Process.

When was I given a copy of the Student Code of Conduct?
In your Apply Texas application you acknowledge receipt of and that you will follow the Student Code of Conduct. The Student Code of Conduct is available in the Palo Alto College Student Handbook.

Can I appeal a Student Conduct decision?
Yes. You have five business days after receipt of your outcome letter to submit the nature of your appeal, in writing, to Interim Vice President of Student Success, Delilah Marquez by emailing The letter must state if you appeal the findings, sanctions, or both, and the grounds for the appeal. After the appeal request is received, an appeal hearing or meeting will be scheduled.

What is Restorative Justice? 
Restorative Justice is a student conduct sanctioning practice that asks the responsible student to accept responsibility, repair the harm they caused, and rebuild trust. Restorative Justice is used at Palo Alto College to ensure responsible students can remain in our community and be successful.

Strategies of Behavior Intervention (SOBI)

SOBI is a district wide initiative to guide students, faculty and staff on how to address disruptive or threatening behavior of students at the Alamo Colleges. This initiative is in place to help intervene when behaviors become worrisome because they become larger issues.


SOBI Introduction
SOBI Employee and Student Guide 
SOBI Quick Guide



When do I file an Incident Reporting Form?
Anytime you are worried about the behavior or wellbeing of a student and believe they may need additional resources. If you see something, tell someone. It is the Office of Student Conduct’s job to review and assess all reports that come in.

If it is an emergency and you fear for your safety or the safety of others, please call Alamo Colleges Police Department 210-485-0911.

Can I follow up on a report that was submitted?
A confirmation of receipt will be sent after a report is received stating that it will be investigated and addressed.

If an issue is SOBI, the initial receipt notification will contain the information that will be shared with students.

What happens if it is determined the issue is a SOBI?

Resources will be shared with the involved parties, including but not limited to: a referral to the Personal Counselor on campus; academic advisors; Alamo Colleges Police Department; and/or community resources.

Title IX

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex (gender) of students, including sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual violence, sexual exploitation, and relationship/dating violence.

The Alamo Colleges District does not tolerate sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence of any kind. Palo Alto College’s Deputy Title IX Coordinator can be reached at 210-486-3930.

Title IX Policies and Procedures

These policies are also in compliance with HB 1735, codified as Texas Education Code, Sub-Chapter E-3, Section 51.281-51.295 on sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking applicable to each enrolled student and employee of the institution.


Alamo Colleges Resource Guide for Students on Sexual Misconduct
Title IX: Pregnant and Parenting Students FAQ 

Pregnant and Parenting Students additional resources

Title IX Complaint Form



Title IX Training Introduction



When do I file a Title IX Reporting Form?
Anytime you are worried about a potential Title IX issue has occurred. If you see something, tell someone. It is the Office of Student Conduct’s job to review and assess all reports that come in.

If it is an emergency and you fear for your safety or the safety of others, please call Alamo Colleges Police Department 210-485-0911

Can I follow up on a report that was submitted?
A confirmation of receipt will be sent after a report is received stating that it will be investigated and addressed.

If a Title IX complaint is reported the complainant and the alleged will be notified concurrently of the result.

What happens if it is decided the issue is Title IX?
The process for handling Title IX issues resides with the Vice President of Student Success. Additional information is available regarding Title IX in the Student Resource Guide.

Can I follow up on a report that was submitted?
A confirmation of receipt will be sent after a report is received stating that it will be investigated and addressed.

If a Title IX complaint is reported the complainant and the alleged will be notified concurrently of the result.

What Title IX training is required?
All new students at Palo Alto College are required to complete mandatory Title IX training during their first semester of enrollment. Students will receive an email to their Alamo.Edu email address with instructions on how to complete the training. The training is due by November 1st for summer or fall enrollment and April 1st for spring enrollment.

Additional required training material can be found on the Alamo Cares website.

Continuous Feedback Model

The Continuous Feedback Model (CFM) is a process for in person and written feedback and response, that allows for improvement and alignment with our mission, vision, values and strategic directions.

Comments and commendations are received through grievances, complaints, department satisfaction surveys, the online comment form, phone calls, emails, face to face interactions, Town Hall meetings, Student Body Meetings, and the Student House of Representatives (a meeting of student organization leaders).

A summary and report of comments and commendations are reported to key stakeholders quarterly.

Submit comments or questions



What happens to my feedback?

  1. Feedback is routed to the Student Conduct Officer, who receives and compiles the comments/commendations into a log.

  2. Comments are responded to within three business days.

  3. If a suggestion/complaint requires an elevated response, it is forwarded to the appropriate Vice President or Dean.

  4. All comments are addressed and resolved within two weeks.

  5. A summary and report of comments and commendations are reported to key stakeholders.

Grievance Process

If a situation occurs in which a student believes that they have been treated unfairly by a faculty or staff member, they may use the Academic or Non-Academic Grievance Process. Prior to initiating the formal grievance process, the student should make a reasonable attempt to resolve the concern directly with the faculty or staff member. 

The Academic or Non-Academic Grievance Process should not be used for academic integrity issues, sexual harassment, financial aid eligibility, or student disciplinary appeals. Only when an informal resolution fails should the formal grievance process begin. To start the formal process, a written complaint must be made using the Academic or Non-Academic Grievance Forms.

F.4.7 Non-Academic Grievances (Policy)
S 28.0  Student Non-Academic Grievance (PDF)
Attachment A: Student Non-Academic Grievance Form (PDF)

F.4.6 Academic Grievances (Policy)
S 27.0  Student Initiated Academic Grievance (PDF)
Attachment A: Student Academic Grievance Form (PDF)


What can I expect in the Grievance Process?
We try to resolve all grievances at the lowest possible level. The Academic Grievance process begins with the Chair of faculty member’s department. The Non-Academic Grievance process begins with the direct supervisor of the employee. If this informal resolution does not work, then the direct supervisor or department chair will ask for the formal grievance form to be filled out to continue the process.

Meet the Team

photo of Fabian CarrFabian Carr,
Director of Student Conduct/Title IX

Student Conduct Tip: The Office of Student Conduct promotes Respect for All. Be respectful towards your peers, faculty, and staff. Treat everyone with kindness and consideration.


photo of Alex LunaAlexandro Miguel Luna,
Student Conduct Officer

Student Conduct Tip: The PAC Mission is to inspire, empower, and educate the community for leadership and success. That all starts with you! We are here to support everyone: especially during critical moments.

Contact Information

Director of Student Conduct/Title IX
Fabian Carr


Student Center (SC) Room 101A


Student Conduct Officer
Alexandro Miguel Luna


Student Center (SC) Room 101B
